New Katia Arena Armor – Conclusion

Well, that’s it for now.  No, I haven’t done any of the other tweaks I had in mind.  Maybe I will someday but – I know me better than that.  I probably won’t.  But I did succeed in what I set out to do so.  Maybe when Katia goes spelunking in the sewers of Kvatch, Kaz will see fit to equip her in a new outfit.  If so, rest assured that I’ll be back with a new series to recreate that one in Skyrim too!  So for now, goodbye Katia!  We’ll meet again!


Available for download at

Thanks for following!  It’s been my first real Tumblr series.  Hopefully there’ll be more.  There’s been a lot of talk about the future of Katia and Prequel.  But I know from first hand experience that everyone waxes and wanes periodically in their enthusiasm for a project like Prequel.  (No, I’ve never done anything like a webcomic, but I do have my own little pet project that has it’s own small fanbase).

I think Kaz just went through a lull, but he’ll not be able to leave Katia so easily.  She’s lurking inside his head and won’t leave him in peace till he leaves HER in peace (one way or another!).  Of that I’m sure.  I’ll be honest, in the last few months I’ve been pretty mad with Kaz.  He’s infuriated me with his constant delays and predictions.  To be fair, he never PROMISED anything.  Just suggested time frames for the next update that never came to pass.  But no one ASKED him for predictions, he just volunteered them and yes, that did piss me off.  Yet, as he said, I find myself coming back daily to check Just In Case.  Damn him and his story-telling abilities!  I feel like a puppet on strings, but it’s worse – I KNOW I’m a puppet and still I keep coming back willingly.

So, should he ever read this – yeah, I’m still one of your loyal minions.  Maybe a grumbling a bit, but I still trudge on following for a chance at another crumb.  Hey, if I can wait a year for the next Game of Thrones season (or even longer for the next book!), I can wait a few months to see Katia in action again.  And no need for some hyped-up super-flashy minigame thingy.  I’ll be happy to see her do anything.  I must confess though that I hope her storyline doesn’t hit another bottom again.  I know the narrative has to rise and fall, but it’s just human nature that we hope the falls get shallower and the climb gets higher to see SOME progression.  Yet I’m bound by the author-reader alliance.  Your will be done. (but dammit, I don’t have to LIKE it!) ^_^

And, finally, if fictional characters have any sort of reality somewhere in the multiverse – (And in some way, I think they do. But that’s waxing metaphysical which a computer geek should not try.) – good luck Katia!  We’re still rooting for you.  There’s Hope For You Yet!

-Faceless Mook