The Yo-yo and Pineapple Trick

To quote a character from my lewd Skyrim webcomic thing, “Oh… My… God!” I think I’ve just discovered a plausible explanation of the infamous Yo-Yo and Pineapple trick!  Before I get into the nitty (and extremely) gritty of it, first I’ll need to point out two problems with my “discovery”.

#1 – I don’t think Kaz ever intended there to BE a real explanation.  I don’t think he has a clue himself.  That’s the point of it.  So I’m not saying this is what he had in mind because I don’t think he HAD anything in mind specifically.

#2 – It does not explain the spatter that apparently is the conclusion of the trick.  Or at least not very well.

But other than that, it fulfills all the qualifications:

#1 – It involves a yo-yo and a pineapple, and apparently needs both to be performed.

#2 – It’s lewd and a sober Katia is ashamed of it.

#3 – It’s shocking to onlookers.

#4 – It is considered impossible, but Katia can do it.

So, here’s how I came to it.  I’ve a character who used to be a prostitute at a Cathouse.  She (will be, I haven’t posted the update with this being discussed yet) was describing life there and mentioned “special” exercises.  She also mentions contests that the girls would have there during their off hours, including “weight lifting”.  To put it nicely, such a contest among THAT profession would involve not upper, but lower body strength.  Specifically, strength of internal muscles unique to females.

Now, consider that for a moment… how would one do that?  Well, you’d need something of reasonable dimension that could be put where it needs to be put, and connected via string to a weight of some sort.  A rock might be the first inclination, but a rock tends to be too smooth.  It’s tough to tie a string to a rock.  But a pineapple has all those rough surfaces which would hold a string well.

Why a yoyo?  Well, you’d want something about the right size to fit into the required place, but it should be rounded for obvious reasons.  But again needs to have the proper shape to hold the string securely.  Thus, the Yoyo and Pineapple Trick.  Katia has strong enough muscles there to lift a pineapple.

Is this THE answer?  I don’t think there IS an answer.  As I said, it doesn’t explain the spatter at the conclusion of the trick (unless we assume a falling pineapple will splat from such a low distance when she releases the yoyo) and I really don’t think Kaz had this or anything else specific in mind.  But, it fits nearly all the requirements!

Yes, this shocking revelation is brought to you by Blue Dragon, who obviously thinks about such things WAY too much.