Katia: Exercise caution Prequel Update notes.

This update has me feeling all the feels because I’m afraid the comic may be winding down to the end-game. I mean, maybe not, but Kaz has been doing this for ages and he surely must be thinking of doing something else by now.

But I’d like to throw my comments up, just to go over it a bit. I showed my daughter (she’s been following it since she was 18 – 20 now – so it’s okay, right?) She caught some things I didn’t too which was nice…

The first image here. Why are little bottom fangs so cute? I dunno, but they are.

Next is the long .gif where she creates a Completed Quests log. That’s nice to see. Alas it also means there will be no dance competition, but we can’t have everything I guess. 😦

Someone may have already broken down all those quests tumbling down, but I had to give it my best shot too.

52 frames in all.
Here’s all the things that drop out that I can make out
Apologize to bartender
Breed new type of corn
Improve pineapple trick
Walk to Chorrol
Crouchwalk everywhere
Find a thief{?}
Kill slaughterfish in the (well?)
Take a bath
Read books in castle
Go swimming
Pose like a witchhunter
Telekinetically (?)
Evict imps from
in trash can
Take peas

I’ll let you contemplate those on your own time, but my daughter noticed “Improve pineapple trick” right off.
(Can it be improved?)

Then a bit of unpixelated Sigrid sideboob (scandalous!)

And then we come to this…  When I saw this one, I didn’t think a thing of it. Katia has an unusual look on her face, but then, she’s never been in a situation where she’s actually gotten valuable stuff like the silver dagger. And yet… and yet… my daughter immediately thought naughty thoughts.  I’ve seen others say the same, but I never got any naughty thoughts from this at all – which is weird! I’m usually the first to do so. I guess that expression screams something other than what I thought it was?

This frame I like too for some reason. I think partly because of the cute fangs, but moreso because of the open, honestly happy look on her face. It’s a rare thing!

Skipping a few less interesting frames, then this little thing.  I just wanted to see if there was anything interesting in the .gif… Alas 36 frames later I couldn’t find anything special, but it’s still funny.

Then this – kinda nice to see the flame atronach helping. Though it leaves me to wonder how Sigrid is going to get out.  Plus – how did flamegirl get there before Katia? But nevermind…


And Katia gets a bite to eat. Flamegirl gets some charcoal.

And then this. Yes, obviously Kaz intends us to think it’s the Oblivion gates. Others have suggested it’s just dawn. But… I think sometimes the obvious answer is the right answer. I think there’s mayhem outside, and I don’t like it.  Is there another way out through the caves?

But – just for a moment – I hope Katia can snatch up her stuff and her bag of gold and have at least one fleeting moment of hopefulness. Don’t look out the window just yet Katia. Doom can wait.

Gift of the Histess


Boogeestro drew this and so I could do no less than to color it and add the background and Raba. A scene from my latest Spyjirra fanfiction. With horrible, morality-offending female-presenting nipples safely expunged. (but… you know… read on McDuff…)

The full Trilogy of Spyjirra stories in text form (save the end of the last one that I haven’t written yet!) can be read here on Kazerad’s Fanart booru. Though it’s probably only hanging onto it’s ‘fanfiction’ label by a thread, he’s been nice enough to let me post it there so the least I can do is link to it on his site.


I’m also working at doing full audio read-through versions of them all, though that’s only about ½ way through the second story currently. (Takes a while to do those! Whoda thought?) So if you want to hear my soothing voice with occasional ambient sound effects, you can do so here:


Full post without Tumblrcensor can be found here if you are so evil and deviant as to actually prefer to SEE the most offensive part of the female anatomy ever created – suited only for viewing by the safely legal partners of said gender or, in extreme cases, by the very VERY young. Or Europeans apparently.
