Katherine Managan is dead

So, a couple days ago I began to see a lot of hits from 8ch.net.  I had to go see why.  Now granted I know a thing or two about anon boards by now.  To cut to the chase, they didn’t much like KM.  But, as Kaz says, you can learn a lot from anons.  They don’t beat around the bush, that’s for sure!

What I did finally wrangle out of them was that they thought it was pretty shitty borrowing someone else’s character.  Katherine may not be Katia, but it’s no secret she might as well be.  Well, I don’t want to be That Guy who tries to steal someone else’s character.  And after (not much) consideration, it does make sense.

I don’t regret having done KM, I learned TONS!  But they’ve definitely got a valid point.  I’m still no artist, nor do I plan to ever become one.  But if WHEN I venture into the Webcomic arena again, I’ll come armed with my own characters rather than borrow others’.   So the Epilogue is off – I did some screenshots, but it was really just setup for the next arc.  I’ve ended it pretty well though, I think. 

Gave it a good shot, but it was flawed from the outset.  Much as I like Prequel and Katia, I shouldn’t use them as the foundation of my own work or it will never be anything beyond a fanfic of a fanfic. I toyed around a bit with the thought of making a yellow-ish Skyrim khajiit rather than the Katia model and call HER Katherine.  But, that would really be painting over the underlying problem of benevolent plagiarism.  Best to start over from scratch with a solid foundation.

So my immediate focus will finally be on that Cloak of Grey Tomorrow mod that I’ve been promising.  Thanks for the readers tho!  I’ll make more, just not of KM – i’ve got the itch to tell more stories and take closeups of more Khajiit tails!

KM is winding down

I know some of you are following me for the Cloak of Grey Tomorrow mod, which I’ve not done ANYTHING of substance on yet.  But I JUST finished a marathon screen shotting session for KM.  I’ve enough for 3 posts, 2 easily.  But it’s a kinda sad moment for me.  I’ve got epilogue to do and setup for the next arc, but the climax is completed now.  I’ve seen it.  I like it, but it’s still kinda sad when I’ve spent months with these characters in my head and now some are gone.  

Once I finish the Epilogue posts – probably 2 or 3 – I’ll get into the CoGT big time as I have PLANS for it in KM Arc 2.  Which I can no longer resist doing.  I’ve the major plot points for it already in my head.  I’ll probably post the next KM on Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday for the 3 part conclusion you might say.

If you happen to read it, heres a spoiler.  It’s what I plan to use for the final shot of the conclusion before the 2 or 3 epilogue posts after that.  Seemed fitting.