Standard Skyrim Arena Armor Mod (pt. 3)

This thing is taking forever – because I keep NOT working on it.  But I did some more finally.  When last we left, we had this texture file:

I’m now down to THIS texture file:

So I’ve really lightened the color, added the blue borders and “wolf” icon, changed the front skirt into leather fringy things and almost (but not quite) removed the rear of the skirt.  I also did some modding of the “normal” file so the fringes don’t have the same roughness or pattern as the cloth sections – they stand out as more independent material that way.  Result?

Coming along.  Those shoulder pauldrons still needed, and some touchup in the back needed, but all in all, I’m pretty happy with the progress.

(All my starting/stopping of Skyrim for the work today popped Kaz into my chat to speculate on me modding – he was right of course.  But I had to un-friend him in Steam so I wouldn’t keep bothering him with my constant start/stopping!)