Standard Skyrim Arena Armor Mod (pt. 2)

Ok, took a couple months off.  Back to work.  If Kaz can update, I can too.  Not a LOT of progress, but here’s the latest.  So once again I’m going to start with the Prisoner outfit.  I do have the highres mod in – but that’s the official Bethesda highres mod so that’s OK.   I exported all the files from the file named HighResTexturePack01.bsa and found the Prisoner texture files in there.  This is the main one I’ll be working with:


Once again, “white” areas are holes in the fabric.  For our mod, we don’t need the pants or the belt textures (top right).  So I’m going to delete those totally.  Also going to fill in all the “holes” in the parts we do need and I also smoothed out the rough sleeves a bit.  End result is this:


That’s frankly all I’ve done so far.  But the question is, what does it look like in-game so far?  Well, HERE is what it looks like:


No, that’s not a bug – her legs only go up just above the knees.  Then… nothing.  But remember, with the original prisoner outfit, there are pants – so you never SEE the missing legs.  While not true of all outfits, lots of them have missing body parts inside the outfit.  My understanding is that, by not including them, the graphics processor doesn’t have as much work to do – so when there’s no expectation that anyone will SEE the body missing, they remove it.

And again, EVERY OUTFIT HAS ITS OWN BODY inside it(!).  They don’t even have to be the same body really.  So that obviously is going to have to be fixed.  Fortunately, in the last mod I did, I not only fixed it, but I was able to essentially put 2 bodies inside – one in blue “tights”.  That’s what I’ll do to fix it this time too. 


Hehe – here’s a real test for Pepsidude… would you rather have flat-butt Katia or NO butt katia?  Remember, you can always Imagine!  Oh, for that matter, here’s the ONLY upskirt screenshot of a khajiit I’ll ever take on this project…


That’s just nasty.  ^_^  Anyway, that’s where it stands for now.  But I’m going to keep working on the textures before I fix that body – so you’ll have to get used to Takia’s Missing Torso for awhile.