Katia Riding Bryce

A while back in the Angels With Scaly Wings days I commissioned Kaz to draw Katia riding Bryce. This is the resulting drawing.

Naturally I had to color it. It’s what I do, right? Here’s the sketch a bit cleaned up with flat colors…

And then with shading, highlights and a Skyrim background screenshot motion-blurred.

I probably should have left well enough alone… but… if you’ve never played Angels with Scaly Wings (and I highly suggest you don’t honestly – I didn’t. I just watched Kaz play it on some streams.) there’s at least one, maybe a couple of scenes where a conveniently placed bottle prevents viewing of any potentially offensive parts of Bryce.  And thus the similarly-conveniently placed bottle here.  (In fact, it probably is worse WITH the bottle since it is… large.)

But no, I had to go and wreak havok by making some of the bottles a bit more transparent than intended. Don’t worry, it’s a silhouette at best. But still, no mere bottle is going to suppress the manly manliness of Bryce!

Yeah, you’ve really got to WANT to see the difference to see the difference.  Good luck with that.  I’m out!

And… I Relent. Backbone of a Wet Noodle.

Man I’m a wimp when it comes to Prequel. Even when I heard there would be a distraction while the ‘real’ update gets delayed again, I was all, like, ‘NO! It’s not enough. Dammit, not AGAIN! I don’t care what the distraction post is, I want my Canon Update and I’m going to stay rage-quit till it comes!”

Yeah. That lasted about as long as it took for me to bring up my PC and check it out.  I thought this was a really nice smooth .gif btw!

I mean, sure it’s a short loop, but that’s broadcast-quality looping anyway!  Float On Aggy! Float On!


But that’s not what really won me over.  Naaa… that was:

Can there be anything cuter than two Argonians playing with Argonian playing cards (even if one is a slave)? “Pick a card, any card…”

And Cider did all this? Damn, I thought I could recognize his style better than that, but this looks damn Kaz-like to me. That guy should get a medal or something.

So, yeah I’m still a LITTLE pissed. But I thought about it while walking my dog this weekend. WHY am pissed anyway? And it came to me… I’m pissed because deep in the back of my head, I think Kaz is fucking with me. (well, not me exactly… us readers.)

So why do I think that? Two reasons… First, he seemed to imply that it was almost ready for April 1st. So a month should be plenty of time to finish it.  But that could just be me reading more into a few words than was ever really there.  But the REAL reason is…  Kaz KNOWS how to fuck with people, if he wants to.

It’s the whole Social Scientist thing. He could WELL be seeing just how long he can push people before they break. It’s not that I think he’s doing that, it’s that I think he’s CAPABLE of doing that. Once you know someone can manipulate you to some extent, you become wary of that.  Abnormally wary.

And that is, I think, a big part of the problem. Kaz is unusually skilled at social interaction online. And he’s pointed out time and again his interest in social engineering. So it becomes fear and suspicion of the unknown. I don’t know how to do that… so someone that does is suspect ALL THE TIME of doing so.

I’ve decided that I don’t know if he is or isn’t.  And there’s no way I can know. So fuck it – in lieu of evidence to the contrary, I’ll just take him at his word. Why not? If I’m being Manipulated, I can but swing from the long, abnormally red arm of Kazerad and enjoy the breeze.