Another Katherine M. coming soon.

I’ve actually NOT been procrastinating on this project.  Instead, I realized that I need a screenshot of every possible pose with a reference so I can find it again to do this right.  So that’s what I’ve been up to.  I’m hoping that I will end up only RARELY ever re-using the same pose – and even then mixing it up with different angles to keep it from looking too obviously repeats.

I’ve also learned quite a bit about different techniques to use when doing Skyrim screenshots – varying focal lengths for example.  Between that and the hundreds of poses I have to choose from (I’m probably 75% done with my reference screenshot project), this should be fun!

I’ve got a couple of storylines already in my head – but I’ll probably make it up as I go anyway. 

It does help that I have such a lot of time between Prequel updates that I can feel confident that I can beat it.  (Of course, I’m not programming minigames either!)

Katherine meets Sabhira. Just Sabhira.  Sabhira is a Khajiit. Katherine is… something else.

So today I was poking about in Fanart page and saw that someone (finally) posted a link to Cartoon Katia mod for Skyrim.  NOW I have something to put my Arena armor mod onto!  So I did so and made some screenshots.  Some turned out (to me anyway) awfully funny so I’m posting them here.

First up – Katia posed to fight fire with fire.  (yeah, skirt gets wonky in this pose.  Owell).

Second – Now she’s fighting with weapons.  But note the axe.  Note it real close.  Yeah, that’s probably Katia.

Third – Shiny Butt Katia trying to lose some enemies in the sawmill…

Fourth – I can see no possible way this could go wrong.

Fifth – Just another pose – though I do note a painted bra strap under her arm.  Nice touch modeller guy!

Sixth – creeping Katia.  Dunno why but I really like this screenshot. Probably the shiny knee.  I do like the shiny.

Seventh – fire magic puts a lot of light on… places.

Eighth – This is not Katia F. Managan.  With weight slider maxxed, she gets a new name.  And probably a conservative estimate at that!  Happy coincidence that I caught her in mid-blink.  Looks like she knows what I’m up to here.

Ninth – Katia DD Managan again, with her lethal weapons.  You’re probably safe from fire, but you could well get smothered.