Royal Katia

This was a sketch by

GamGyuls, I thought it was awfully pretty and I colored it today. Don’t think he’ll mind.




I probably again put too much emphasis on her breasts. I always do that. But at least I kept it subtle. (For me!) I really think she’d be a Righteous Queen Cat. I’d kneel before her! Tail could be out of sight or maybe she just keeps it inside the dress.

Naughty Lizards

Well, sometimes I create stuff and other times I commission stuff. Sorta. Usually I’m too cheap to commission stuff honestly, but I found myself with about $40 in my Paypal account when Kazerad ended a drought of streaming with two back-to-back this weekend.

He was surprisingly amenable to lewds too, so i took advantage!

The first night he started drawing Quill-Weave in front of a monitor. While still in sketchy-stages he asked the Stream in general if she should be naked. As I recall, my own response was – “Uh… yeah!”.

Kaz – “Because if she’s naked this is going to go in a completely different direction.”

Me – “Naked. Yes. Naked.”

A full hour later and we have Quill sitting nekked in front of a monitor.


I’d offered to send him $10 for it, so was ready to shell out da big bucks when I realized he wasn’t done yet. He was animating it!  Oh… well…. okay!!! Little did I know this would become….

(insert drumroll)



He never asked for it, but I sent $15 instead. Animation is painstakingly boring work. Naturally while working on this in the stream there was a discussion not only of “lizard tits” but “lizard nipples”. So Kaz is finishing up and asks me if I’d pay to have nipples added.

I’m like…. $5 for nips!

30 seconds later I get this…


Kaz tries to figure out how much $ he could make just drawing nipples for $5 in 30 seconds or so. 🙂 Okay, more like 5 minutes, but still. Was I played for that $5? Hell no. I’m just super hetero and Kaz spotted my weakness and exploited it! I’d pay $5 again happily! Why? Because I like those little 6-pixel lizard bumps inordinately much! That’s my problem, not Kaz’.

But this tale of lizard tiddies isn’t over yet.AMKitsune did one last edit to make the monitor flicker:


Yeah, it is better, even if it lost the nipples. I’m not totally worthless at photoshop and the like… I could revise to add em back in I suspect. But I’m good…  

Of course the question of what she’s watching came up. The answer is obvious for Quill-Weave. It’s human porn. Skin is so deviant and unnatural that she can only engage in this perverted fetish when no one is around late, late at night.

BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Not of this, but Kaz streamed again yesterday. Literally, like, starting in the daytime. Johnny Cheesedog may like Lizards even more than me. He had to leave from the stream yesterday so as a joke, when he left the stream Kaz immediately started drawing two lizards kissing.

Then Johnny came back and Kaz stopped. Now that’s just harsh. Funny, but harsh.

Well, Johnny is the guy who sent my that Brolaren Quill-Weave in an apron that I had such fun coloring, so when I finally joined back into the stream, I commissioned Kaz to finish it, which he did in fine style:


I’ll never eat fruit pies the same way again. 

Originally it was going to be Weedum-Ja and Quill-Weave. I protested a bit when it switched to QW+QW but really, in the end I can see the advantage.

I didn’t really contribute to the content, except maybe having a little fruit-filling spilt onto their chests, but the end result is classic Kaz, (if maybe a bit more explicit than normal!).

So I’ll call that a gift to Johnny Cheesedog, but really… it’s just funny sexy lizards for anyone to enjoy. My headcanon is that their tongue-dexterity is such that they can french kiss INSIDE the hollow space of a fruit-pie without breaking it. That’s pretty hot.

Sexy Quill-Weave (by unknown!)


I’d like to put out another APB – this time for the artist who drew this:

Because I really went to town on this one. Once again someone suggested it but he didn’t know where he got it from – so if you know, pls let me know so I can credit appropriately!

I’m getting better at doing linework, and this time every single line in the finished work was one I did – based on the above of course. Not in any way slighting the work of the original! But I wanted clean lines on this one so I redrew them all. If you didn’t know, I don’t own a tablet. I do everything with a mouse. So I’ve gotten pretty good at using the Curvature Pen and the Fade setting on brushes. Someday I really gotta get one.

Obviously I filled in the negative space quite a bit…  So then I added flat colors…

It was right about here that I thought to myself… hey… that little thing she’s supposedly “wearing” would probably be transpa…. wait… WAIT!  I can make that happen!

So I did.  I’m naughty boy. Not only did I make it transparent, but it’s dual-layer transparent with one where the cloth is resting right up against her scales and the other where it’s farther away. I liked the result. Yeah, technically that means I actually drew something.  A little.

Added shading…, put a reflection in the window. (Which, if you think about it, is wrong. It would be the left side of her face, not the same view we have. But for that I’d have to actually be able to draw something new. So heck with it, I don’t think it jumps out as WRONG anyway.)

And finally… my signature shiny…

At this resolution, you cant see it but most of the reflections on her are bordered with a scale pattern. In fact, she really deserves to be seen at higher res than this.

And one more to bdprequel since it is prequel related. I don’t think I’ll try putting this on the booru though. I’ve already been pushing the line there.