Redemption and Embarrassment

So last post I was talking about not having done any commissions from Kaz for a while but that I just hadn’t gotten inspired. Plus he’s been doing streams like every night for days now. Well I got one coming now that I’m looking forward to. He did the Quill Weave playing RPG with a little imagining of her PC.  A dashing archer. So it will be good to get that and do my color thing on it.

I actually commissioned FurNut a few days back for a followup to the Katia/Trashpanda Noodle thing. Basically I was looking through the booru during a stream to try and get inspiration when I ran across that and realized I really like the style.

I don’t think it would be trash-talking FurNut to say he’s a bit over the line into cubby sort of things sometimes.  Okay, well and truly over any line you care to draw. But he’s got the cutest style ever. (Well, actually even when it IS over the line it’s still cute.)  Seems like his characters are always so… I don’t know… HAPPY looking.  I really became enamored of his style with this:


That’s just adorable work there. So after Kaz did his take on Trashpanda and Katia sharing a noodle with a sexy nude Katia on a plate with noodles, I noticed one glaring flaw. It wasn’t colored! Oh the shame! Well, it JUST SO HAPPENS, FN, that I have been working on learning to color… so I asked him if I could color it. I won’t post it here again, if you’re following me you probably already know the one.

So I thought I’d commission FurNut directly and ask for a followup. I’d requested something like “Katia and Trashpanda playing in the noodles”.  I had something roughly like this in mind:


I fell asleep before FN could get to mine though so he held off till I was able to watch a stream. (He’s got a cool animated facial-motion-tracking avatar thing that I think we’ve officially named Dapperkitty.  It’s the coolest thing ever and perfect for a stream. I want to get one. I noticed they have a Dragon so… that might happen if ever I did anything stream-worthy.)

A couple nights ago the stars were aligned and i watched him draw my commission on his stream. Before he started, he said he had an idea but it might be too NSFW for the Prequel booru. 

Now look. I’m a guy, and in most cases that means I’m a pig for that stuff. I’m not going to sugar coat it. I don’t think I’m particularly INTO furry porn, but I definitely appreciate the well done ones. And it’s been my experience that if an artist has an idea, let them run with it! It’s better than anything you could dream up.  That’s why I commissioned this from Kaz:


I had no idea what it was going to be, but Kaz said he had an idea for an Adine picture and I was more than happy to pay $10 to get it realized. Because Kaz ideas are pretty often best ideas. Best $10 I ever spent? Probably not, but it’s up there!

So I told FurNut to go ahead with his idea. And yea – it was IMHO a good one. A very good one. Also his method is VERY amenable to coloring. His lines are clean and uniform. Believe me, after coloring scanned paper drawings, it’s like heaven!  

Here’s the thing. I can’t post it directly here. I really do want to keep this tumblr SFW – at least marginally. Here’s a cropped version anyway:

But I can link to it, with the VERY clear admonition that it’s NSFW. Depending on your definition, it’s porn. Not sex, but… well, if you don’t fear clicking the link, you can be the judge…


But it’s so CUTE! And I was very proud of my coloring job on it too.  I honestly think it was 2:00am last night when I finished it. (I get obsessed easily). So I made a version with no nipples and no… well… camel toe?  that I thought might just squeak by the Booru rules as questionable.

Kaz still had his stream up so I popped in and asked him if it would be acceptable.

He laughed and basically said. “No. No no no.”

I’ll be honest, I felt bad. Embarrassed. I felt like I should have KNOWN that based on his reaction. Why could I not see that it was so over-the-line that it shouldn’t have even been a question? Still do kinda. I guess I’ve just gotten so desensitized to such things that when I see something so cute, I don’t really “see” the sexual part of it as much. I dunno.

Well there’s plenty of other places to post it. Other than FurNut’s booru I’ve upped it to e621, FA and Sofurry now. That’s enough. And I’ll get over my embarrassment quickly. By the time I finish coloring QW’s PC, this will all be a vague bad memory. And I’m aware I’m overly sensitive to such things – esp. considering some of the other side-works I do.

I feel like I’m failing BDPrequel

I think last night’s stream was the 2nd stream I’ve failed to get a commission from Kaz.  A couple streams back I wanted something but was out of ideas and I think it was FurNut that came up with “Adine and Katia trying on lingerie”. However, I had to bail on the stream and Enheldor asked if he could commission it instead.  Wasn’t even my idea so, sure!

I was a little disappointed the next morning when there was no sign of it in makimb0′s imgur, but not really surprised. Whether it was too lewd or if it simply wasn’t interesting enough for Kaz, I’m not sure. FurNut picked it up though from Enheldor and did a really cute take on it in his style. I thought the original was Adine and Katia, but if so it got changed to Adine and Rainbow Dash. In fact, his was b&w greyscale and I colored it. I was going to link to it here, but realized it might be just a little over the NSFW line for posting directly on this blog.

However, here’s a link to it if you’re okay with that:


I’m afraid I’m not much of a fan of ponies, but it was still cute I thought. I do have a couple commissions coming in sometime soon, the main one being a commission for something like “Katia and a butterfly” or something like that. (I was trying to be too cute by half and make it totally non-lewd).  Looks like I got a nice butterfly and perhaps a distant Katia on the ground far below if I saw it right in the stream imgur. Also got a crayon Katia-picking-up-quarters coming.

But last night’s stream I totally struck out. I just couldn’t think of much. The one idea I had was to do a commission of QW’s D&D character.  I really liked the bit from the sidestory where QW was playing with some friends at a bar when Katia stumbled in drunk and would love to see more related stuff.

But Kaz didn’t like the idea or something. I just like the idea of QW, who’s normally a pretty conservative stick-in-the-mud doing something as uncharacteristic as playing D&D. And of course, what kind of character would she choose?

Afterwards, I realized we might already have that:

Granted that was technically Dodger but, cmon, we all know it’s a young QW right? And really I don’t know if imaginary PCs change all that much when you get older. If so that would be a pretty awesome D&D character anyway.

Which led to an idea I would love to come to fruition one day. I think Kaz would be the ultimate DM. I’d love to play some sort of RPG with him in a stream someday (even if it involved ponies). I bet he’d run a great game.

(Yes, I mined through Kaz’ tumblr looking for some vaguely appropriate image)

Of course, for practical reasons that’s unlikely to happen. I think one of the recent tumblrs brought in like 50+ viewers. How can you make sense of a 50+ player RPG? You can’t. And as much as I want to be ‘special’ I know I’m kinda not. Just noisy and lewd which really isn’t the same thing.

I am going on vacation in mid August to Washington DC and NYC and will be staying in Bethesda for a couple of days. Kaz lives about an hour from there and I fantasized a bit about going to meet him. But I’ll chicken out. Let’s face it, I’m not the right demographic (if you didn’t know already, I’d be considered OLD by most the fans) and besides it would probably be awkward as hell.

I wish that weren’t the case, but there’s a helluva difference between yabbering on a stream chat and saying “Hi. How are you? I’m that old guy that keeps asking you to draw cat boobs.”

Yeah, I think I’ll have a great time visiting Washington.

Do NOT mess with Goggles!

Got a couple new commissions from Kaz recently (and I still honestly haven’t send my $ to him for these, so I am PROMISING myself to go get that in the mail as soon as I finish this!

I do like coloring scans. It’s just fun for me if I like what I’m coloring.  But it’s been a while. So I was happy to see a bar-stream recently (as homestreams aren’t physical commissions). The first one was just a doodle-thing Kaz did that I asked if I could have. The intent was no deeper than Kaz asking if people could see the stream. But perhaps it has some deeper existential meaning. I didn’t spend much time on it – it’s just a doodle after all…

Playing with hard shading mostly. I also commissioned a couple at a homestream – might as well put those up here, though they’re 100% Kaz – I had no hand in them but for the commission.  I was on a Weedum-Ja kick that night so I got Weedum-Ja topless bikini.  (it’s really okay. Argonians are canon nip-less as here):

And I commissioned one of Katia working on the update. The topless part I didn’t even ask for!

Then somewhere along the line during the barstream I got onto an Adine kick – (aka Goggles from Angels with Scaly Wings). He drew me one physically which I’ll finish this post out with. The other I THOUGHT I wanted physically too but he talked me out of it to await him going home and doing it there. The commission was “Katia washing Adine in the shower”. (There’s a shower scene in Angels with Scaly Wings.)  Little did I know Kaz had a plan for that involving a .gif animation:

Yeah, he was right. That needed to be a .gif.  However, I found out quickly that there are some quite-serious fans of Goggles (Spencerish just one!).  Well, I hope to quell any hard feelings with this next one.  However, since it doesn’t contain any Prequel characters, I can’t put it up on the Booru there.  Here’s the commission before I got my claws on it:

And I just finished coloring it, revising the text to be more readable etc:

Even my wife got that joke and she has no clue who Goggles is. (Though she did ask why she’s talking into her tail like a phone. Part of Angels with Scaly Wings reference there.)

And then, I just had to include this one to finish up, even though it’s not mine:

QW Opines on Discords

I think it was at Kaz’ most recent barstream (he’s been doing homestreams mostly lately) I actually joined early and he had drawn this:


Of course I had to at least ask for it! I have coloring and shading practice to do at the very least, and having a concerned QW looking out for my mental health seemed an awfully good way to start, even if she’s far too late. I posted a version of it on the booru last night but realized this morning I got her tongue totally wrong. So here’s the flatcolor version with a basic green background.


And of course my standard soft shading (with cleavage! I couldn’t very well leave that out even if I’m keeping it minor this time.)


But I think it was Pronin who was suggesting I use more hard edged shading, so I gave it a shot. I’m just not confident in it’s use to use it alone yet. In fact, it was this fan art from Heresy! that made me want to try it:


I’d gotten an early linedrawing of it from /trash/ and did my own coloring – I didn’t realize it was Heresy! himself that had posted it. I thought it was some old, dead linework. I even did my own color job of it, (which is embarrassingly bad compared to his and will never see the light of day!)  But this seems like a good example of both soft and hard shading used effectively. 

You can follow Heresy! at

So here’s my attempt at that, timid though it is:

I figured the best background would be a shot of my Discord screen itself, and thus the final version:

Oddly enough, there were more comments about my desktop on the booru than the actual artwork! Well, that and the whole subject of Discords. Honestly, I don’t mind them at all. But I’m already lost. I just liked the picture! So don’t shoot the messenger. I don’t even agree!

As for that start button – I’m using Classic Shell and you can customize the start button. In fact, it has 3 different images for 3 different states – default, hover and click states.  That’s Zorryn’s more-than-a-little-awesome-if-not-legendary “Nearly Finished” from :


in it’s default state.  Hover and click states are… let’s just say more of the same but zoomed in to varying degrees. 🙂