Oh Bloody Hell.

…and I’m not even British.

So in my stupid arrogance, I wrote that thing on writing Prequel fanfiction right? So Kaz goes and makes this comment:

Kazerad says:

Aw, you missed the most important rule of making things: always break
rules intentionally. Like, make a story ABOUT a wholly evil character,
or where the bad grammar plays some role, or the monster’s visibility is
critical. Think of it as the /controlled demolition/ of rules.

That, my friends, is what I call a CHALLENGE!

Damned if I’m not going to try and take him up on that challenge and break all of my own rules.  Here’s what I’ve got to work with:

1. Disregard grammar.

2. Mix past, present, future tenses.

3. Have boring descriptions of scenery.

4. Load it up with well known tropes of all kinds.

5. Evil Villain that’s just Evil.

6. Viewpoint screwups

7. Lurid descriptions of the Evil Villain Monster.

8. White Knight that Katia swoons for because he’s so perfect.

9. Deus Ex Machina that comes out of nowhere to save the day.

10. Katia falls in love with Monster. (oops, that’s not breaking a rule. It’s just my typical oddball screwup),

10. Enough fanservice to cause massive nosebleeds from most of the male population.

What are the odds it will be the best thing I’ll ever write?

So here’s my current idea for a plot.

Weird demonic monster from another universe descends upon Tamriel as Katia is returning from Kvatch to take Quill’s stuff back. But before it can touch our pure, virginal Katia with its disgusting pseudopods, a white knight (that is suspiciously like me) rides in to save her from it’s evil and degenerate designs. (with a chapter of nothing but descriptions of the landscape). But even the brave heroic white knight

(me) cannot best the foul thing, so
white knight

(I) sacrifice
white knight

(my) life in exchange for the pure, virginal Katia’s because
white knight

(I’m) brave and self-sacrificing like that.

But then, unexpectedly and at the last minute, the thing’s mother comes to take it back home (I think I’ll call the monster “Trelane”). Grateful for all that
white knight

(I’ve) done for her, Katia smothers
white knight

(me) with kisses and falls hopelessly in love with
white knight

(me) because
white knight

(I) am so brave and pure.

And then more fanservice happens.

Top 10 on Amazon, I’m thinking.

Quill-Weave visits Exotic Foreign Lands

and finds new forms of artistic expression! Actually, she’s not shocked or excited about the nude khajiit on the body pillow so much as that she’s reading the price tag on the back.

Kaz drew it mostly, but I may have taken slight artistic liberties when I did some linework over it. Really, not much though! I didn’t even draw The Porn Line or boobybumps! And I’m confident he didn’t have the anime store background in mind.

From Elsweyr With Love Images

I got a couple of Kaz commissions last night of two scenes from the fanfiction.

Here’s the first – Ra’Jirra at the roulette table:


The other is from when La’Dasha is reviewing the recorded scroll of Ra’Jirra and Ko’Manir’s… um… private time together.


I’ll let you figure out that reflection in her eye.  I really love his take on La’Dasha, so I consider this canon now. As for that reflection, I made a slight modification of it to remove it.


What is the world coming to when I choose to modify a Kaz picture to make it less lewd?!

Well, we can’t have that. I also modified the Ra’Jirra to go the other way. I don’t think he’ll mind if I’m clearly saying it’s a modification.


And animated a bit.

Sentient Socks Homage

Oh Sentient Socks, where have you gone? Oh, he wasn’t the finest artist doing Prequel fanart, but in my opinion, he may have been the funniest. But he’s disappeared and, I fear, forever.  Here’s one of his best that I decided to color.

First, yeah, Quill’s hands are too small. Okay. Let’s move on. That’s not the point. And BTW, I get about as NSFW on this as I could, so if that’s too lewd, don’t look farther! I’ve got lots of “in progress” pics, but I’ll just jump to the finale so you don’t have to go through them all if you don’t want.

Okay, that’s where we’re heading. Might be overworked but wth. I don’t get paid for this shit. 🙂 First, we have the base colors:

And yeah,the clothes aren’t colored yet. Why? Why, TRANSPARENCY my boy! No, there’s no reason whatsoever that their clothes would be in the slightest bit transparent. Well, no reason besides my own interests… Next up, background base colors.

Working on background colors now. That scratchy red star thing was a beast! The rest are just base colors, and I wanted to make sure the wall was a different shade from the floor. Let’s get some clothes on though.

Okay. There. Clothes. Transparent Clothes. And yeah, naughty bits – even for Katia if you look close at the top left frame! These are actual transparent layers too. I can remove the transparency if I want. But I’m a perv. Time to turn on the light.

I figured a single light, orange-ish shaded. A single candle or lantern most likely so the light’s going to be pretty sharp. I loved how QW turned out in the light. Actually I’m literally painting light here rather than adding shade as usual, because the whole piece was a bit dark. How to add light? Well, I chose to go with Color Dodge layer anyway.

Here I’ve added some shading. Also notie the shadows in the top left and top right frames. Those are new.  Followed a tutorial to figure out how to do them properly. Now add some shiny and that’s about it.

The above image is ALMOST like the final version, but in the above image the clothes are opaque. You may get the form of a lizard nipple, but you don’t get to peek at anything underneath! 🙂 Told you they were adjustable transparency! 

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been working on the last couple days. Like I say, it may be overworked, but I did learn some new techniques and hopefully getting better at older ones.

Make Prequel Great Again!

Anyone reading this knows what Prequel is, and probably has already read the update. But I wanted to talk about it a bit since IMHO (In My Humble Opinion. Anyone who thinks that means anything else is just dead wrong) it’s the best update in a long, long time for multiple reasons:

1. Something HAPPENED. Katia’s not just sitting helpless in a cage any longer. She has (and I think I hate this word but it works) AGENCY. Some, possibly minor, control over her own destiny again.

2. Though she’s now mind-controlled by Sigrid again, she also has Sigrid mind-controlled.  So at least she ends on almost equal footing.

3. She now has gladiatorial calcium in her corner so she’s not totally alone.

4. We can actually SEE her again. She’s no longer invisible! (

5. The last two panels.

Before I get into the meat of what I want to say, just a shout out to Kaz for that double-text “Don’t say anything!”. Clever use of CSS and text to indicate they are both making the exact same command. I doubt most people will think about that, but it’s a cool method of conveying that rather than the more expected two-lines.

Ever since the end of Infiltrate (way back in SEPTEMBER 2017 BTW!) Katia has been invisible and stuck in a cage. She had no ability to affect her destiny. Everything she tried failed. Sigrid just appeared to be too powerful to touch and had anticipated her every move. Frankly, it’s been a slog. Throw in slow updates (sorry, but… they are slow.) and you have waning interest.  It just hasn’t been a good story.

However, at the end of the last update, things were picking up. She was doing SOMETHING, even if I could see little way it could help significantly.  But I was definitely interested again, and that’s a good thing. Problem is we’d seen Sigrid counter every move and I was scared she was just going to counter this one too. If that would have happened, there would have been a mass exodus I think. (Not me. I’m friggin hooked for life. Sometimes it pisses me off, but I am anyway.)

On that topic, here’s why I think Katia, though still in a cage, has the upper hand anyway. First, she overcame Sigrid’s musk last time unusually fast. That’s what Sigrid’s been asking her about for all this time. How did she do it? I don’t think even WE know how she did it – but it implies she will likely get over it before Sigrid does. If that happens, she can just borrow some perfume and keep the upper hand. Kaz would never let that happen, but still it offers hope. Second, though Sigrid has her tumblespider, it’s not intelligent (probably). Katia has summoned skeleton that is, and is working on her behalf. (I wonder if he knows the skeleton that was cleaning up QWs room?). Plus there’s that sword that is obviously not there for no reason. Actually that’s probably not good for Katia. She’d screw it up. Like having a loaded gun around. Still, it APPARENTLY is a good thing.

However, are they both actually CHARMED like Katia was when she was with Sigrid before? Silenced obviously, but CHARMED? If so, neither Katia nor Sigrid would want to do anything to hurt the other. If they’re both just silenced, but still are enemies, things get problematic. Katia is blind which limits what she can do a lot. But then, if they’re actually charmed, then neither will react normally till one gets un-charmed. So this actually could be the end of conflict between them for some time. Hopefully Sigrid will let her out of the cage and share some ice cream. And if the charms are identical in power, Katia has proven she can break out of it abnormally quickly.  So I’m hoping for the Charmed outcome, even though that means less conflict for awhile.

Assuming the skeleton sticks around and doesn’t get destroyed, Katia may have found her first real companion. Okay, hired gun, but still. In the long run though, what’s the cost of that? Cairn-Corp probably doesn’t mess around. They may end up her biggest enemy yet – faceless (flesh-less) corporation. But hey, if the alternative is coercion or death by Sigrid, good choice anyway. I do wonder if this skeleton might know the one Dimitri had cleaning up the bedroom though. That might lead weird places.

It’s so good to see canon Katia again, even if she is blind. And those last two frames… I’m sure that was Cider work, at least partially. Even Sigrid is cuter than normal. But Katia is downright adorable when she screams! Of course, her paint is peeling a bit. That got me wondering… is Kaz going to try to track exactly what parts of her paint are peeling so he can keep it consistent? Jeeze, that would be just like him – to worry about something so inconsequential. As for her being nekked… always good to throw the fan-service in. Unfortunately I bet her clothes are stolen if she ever gets out of here anyway. I say good riddance. I never liked em. She needs a new outfit anyway. I wonder if Sigrid would lend her something?

These are just so good. I feel kind of bad to say that, because those complex .gifs undoubtedly took a hella lot more work. But… I even like Sigrid here! Probably because for the first time, in the last panel she’s not completely in control. That’s a nice thing to see.

Anyway, that’s it. I just felt like ranting on the new update.  I’m finally looking forward to the next scene. Mostly to find out if they are really charmed with each other, or just obeying each other’s commands. I hope for the charmed outcome really. I’d love to see Sigrid being as nice as can be to Katia AND vice-versa. No, I’m not shipping them. Katia belongs to Quill-Weave regardless of the stupid author. What does he know?


I like Sashimi. No, not the food – the Prequel fan that’s obsessed with Rajirra. It would be easy to obsess over a character in secret. Sashimi is open to it, and like Rick2Tails, has to put up with shit for it. I find I like Sashimi’s Rajirra too. But she’s kinda been expanded so much that the original character is kinda lost in there somewhere.  

Anyway, Sashimi commissioned Guoh to draw another scene from his fanfiction. Here it is, by Guoh:

It should be no surprise that I colored it. Jeeze, what a start! So I decided to do my best work on this one. I’m at 19+layers in my .psd file and it takes a good 2 minutes to convert it to a .png. Whether all that work is worthwhile is up to you, but I like it and – though as of this writing, Sashimi hasn’t seen the end result yet, he’s seen a couple of preliminaries.

Alright, let’s start with Flat Colors…

Yeah… okay. Nice enough I suppose. BTW this was the main color ref:

So… wood. There’s lots of wood in that picture. So I tried an experiment. This may have been done by plenty before me, but I at least came up with it on my own. I thought – what if I add some Noise, then Motion Blur it in the direction of the wood grain?  I think it turned out pretty good actually!

As for the sky, that’s not a photoshopped real sky. Its a 4-color gradient, but I did nab the colors from a real photo. The scene is supposed to take place somewhere around dusk and I kinda liked the mood. But notice Kazerad’s colors above, in particular the pale under-colors. He shades them with a darker yellow- almost orange. That’s not what I’m used to doing… so let’s give it a shot!

Now I’m skipping over a LOT here.At the default res it’s a bit hard to see, but I’ve shaded the hair to be more like hair, put a lot of furry-edging on, withstrained my natural urge to make everything out of rubber (there’s some ‘sheen going on there, but for me I kept it subtle).  Now just some shading of the wood and I’ll call it done. The yellow shade on the dress does look pretty good though!

It may just be my conceit that I think it looks much better at higher resolution. I don’t know why Tumblr refuses to link automatically to the higher resolution images that ARE stored in Tumblr. Bandwidth conservation? Anyway… 

And there you have it. Sashimi’s Rajirra. He let me read a bit of his fiction to see what was going on in this scene. Trust me when I tell you that Rajirra is NOT just getting up from pissing in the bucket while reading a scrolled-up newspaper. 🙂 She’s accepting a reward for some heroic deed. The bucket is there for a reason and the scroll is too. Until his fanfiction is public, that’s about all I can say.

Anyway, hope you liked it. I may still have issues, but at least I put real time into this one and tried to do my best. For Sashimi’s Rajirra. (Not sure that I’d do the same for canon Rajirra!)

The Problem of Moderation

The Problem of Moderation

No, not the Excess-opposite Moderation. Moderation – as in censorship on Internet communities. My proposition is that Moderation is a necessary evil, but it is extremely easy to get wrong and it is undoubtedly evil, and thus the use of moderation should be kept in check as much as possible and only applied when the evil you are combating is greater than the evil of moderation.


So, first – why am I writing this. The impetus was a situation on the Prequel fanart booru where something I worked on was rejected as not being “Prequel related” enough. The primary focus of the image wasn’t Prequel related, and I did add QW and Katia in the background specifically  to get okay to add to the fanart page. I pulled them from a couple different Prequel pages, removed all background from them, pasted them into a layer on my image, Flipped QW horizontally, resized them appropriately, added a blur filter. How long did that take? How much effort was involved? I’d say around ½ hour. Because I’m slow. But effort was put into it. I’d argue that much less than ½ hours’ time was put on other images that are on the booru, but granted those have Katia as the central focus rather than in the background.


I got mad. But even then I knew 2 things – I was not mad at the Moderator. I was mad at the policy. I think it is a mistaken policy, and this essay is my reasoning for why I think so. But ultimately this is only my opinion. It’s not my sandbox. Before coming up with this reasoned approach, I had a couple other reactions in mind, the best one being to take 15 minutes and draw a bad Katia on blue-lined notebook paper in crayon, take a picture of it with bad lighting, and upload that to the booru. But cooler heads prevailed. (and I didn’t have any crayons)

Okay, now, on to my credentials. I’ve been a moderator before. In fact, I think you could say I was a Proto-Moderator. I was a Moderator before there was an Internet. In the 1990s I owned and ran the largest BBS in Palm Beach county, Florida in fact, with 24 lines into two PCs dedicated for its use – and this was back when PCs were pretty damn expensive. It cost the users $10 a month to login and they were happy to do so, and that more than covered my expenses for those 24 telephone lines. It was profitable month-after-month and I am still to this day in communication with many of the friends I met through it. It spawned multiple relationships and at very least 2 marriages that are still going strong to this day. (…and more that aren’t including my own at the time, but that’s life.) I guess you could say it spawned actual children for that matter!


I also run a small gaming website with my own home-written Forum software that ties to the game intimately- since I wrote both the game and the Forum software. That game has been running since 2000. A case could be made that I’ve been Moderating since the early 1990s. I’ve seen different styles and have tried them myself, both the Strict Police State model and the Laissez-faire model. As expected, the ideal lies somewhere in between. However I am going to argue here that the ideal lies much closer to that latter than the former.

As I mentioned, I do believe that Moderation is an Evil. When I first started doing this, my plan was to let the users run amok. I would set up forum topics, but leave it to the users to stay on track. When the user base was limited to a very few and not very diverse, that worked surprisingly well actually. Sure they would stray off-topic occasionally, but they would self-police or the ‘stray’ thread would simply die. However, as the users became more diverse (less a geek-fest and closer to a normal demographic with GASP actual women and girls online!) it did tend to stray more often, until moderation was required.

However, there are different ‘grades’ of moderation too. As my BBS grew, it became clear that moderating was not a 1-person job, so I had co-sysops that would keep up on specific forums and the chat room to help out. So the 1st grade of moderation would be a light warning from the co-sysop. 2nd level a serious warning, 3rd level, co-sysop would get me involved before banning. (no one was banned without consulting me since they paid $ to be there.) Even then the ban was likely only for a day or two. And then the perma-ban (which was never actually used!)


A more modern system is my game site because it is free to anybody and so are the Forums. Being free and relatively anonymous is a whole ‘nuther beast, and I took pains when setting it up to not require any personal information at all. I have the IP address, and that’s it. It’s not 4chan, but it’s pretty close. And yes, it’s more chaotic. Threads tend to stray more often – but they also seem to die sooner too. My analogy is to a rope. When the users have to pay $ to join, users are more likely to follow the rules – but when they stray, they stray hard. When free and anonymous, they stray more often, but the deviance from accepted norms are shorter-lived. So it’s like a frayed rope, but the majority still stay on track. So at most a moderator just has to trim the edges a bit. But no need to shave it!

Before I move on, I’d like to give an example of the worst situation I ever ran into. It could not have been solved by any moderation. It was back in the BBS days and two users were going at it in the real-time chat. One was a Conservative guy, probably about 17 years old, the other a Liberal woman of about 18. I wasn’t online at the time so I got the initial details from a co-sysop who was. He ended up banning the guy for ‘virtual rape’. Basically the conversation got more and more heated until the guy said something to the effect that he would rape her blah-blah-blah…

Yeah, it was pretty bad. But before I did anything else, I went back through the chat logs and read the entire conversation between these two. She was worse – by far. But the accusation of ‘rape’ can only be used by one sex. Virtual castration appears not to be a thing. Online, where no physicality is possible, whatever ‘virtual rape’ means, it can go both ways – and it did. In the end I removed the ban from the guy and applied it to the girl instead. As support, I posted their conversation publicly and specifically showed where she crossed the line. (and there was a clear notice on every login that all conversations should be considered public and that no privacy was implied or guaranteed btw.)

Again, it was not a perma-ban, she was back the next month and the incident never repeated.


A Tale of Two Discords:

Picture this. Two Discords. (If you don’t know what that is, you might just skip this bit.) One is highly policed and every attempt is made to keep it on-topic and clean. The other was created with the same fan base in mind, but allowed to run amok – cliques created, chaotic chats, unbridled lewds, everything.

A year passes. One has died. The other is still running wild, though strayed so far from the original topic that it’s discussion is so rare as to be non-existent. Which outcome is ‘better’? I would argue the latter, because any outcome is better than death. Extreme moderation is by far worse for a community than lack of moderation. IF a community is what you’re looking to build.

Now, it strikes me that one major difference between Kazerad’s booru and my own experience is that Kazerad actively discourages community formation. I am trying to promote it. And therein may well be the real crux of my disagreement with the policies on the booru. I’ll accept that.

Okay, enough history, what’s your point? My point is this. Yes, you have to have some moderation. But people tend to stay within the rules, esp. when those rules are clearly defined, with minimal intervention. If they’re overly complex or not able to be clearly defined, do not moderate the edge-cases. Let the rope have a little fray to it. Let it be a little messy. How messy is again open to interpretation, but where a post or image falls near the edge of a rule, if it’s borderline it should default to in not out in my experience. Always err on the side of liberality. You’ll know when it’s too far. It will be obvious. If it’s not obvious, it should be in. Because otherwise you:

1. Will have to define your rules better. (may not even be possible!)

2. Publicize your rules more prominently, which inherently is stifling – esp. as those rules get more detailed.

3. Do not ‘tweak’ your rules without notice, because then you have to go back through existing posts and remove those who now violate your revisions. If you don’t there will be “Well this got in and it violates your rules more than mine.”

There is a Golden Rule I’ve come up with to determine whether to moderate or not-moderate.

Is the evil of moderation greater than the evil of this post?

Paraphrased, “does the post really represent a serious problem?”


I also find the evil of moderation is pretty evil. Something’s got to really be a problem to be moderated. So ask yourself, is this really a problem? Or am I creating a problem where none exists? In an awful lot of cases, there is no problem. There’s an edge case that might be over the edge based on interpretation. But is it a problem?

It can be argued that it’s a ‘slippery slope’. “If I let this in, it is going to cause a bunch of more of these edge cases!” In my experience, that’s always untrue. It’s a single edge case and leaving it in does not cause issues. It just doesn’t happen. It’s the far outliers that you have to moderate, not the edge cases. That’s a simple truth based on years of experience. So again, in my experience, edge cases are fine. If it can be argued by a reasonable person that they are within the rules, then they are within the rules by definition.

That’s the heart of my case, but while on the topic I’d like to discuss Moderators themselves. In my case it was Unidentified BA that was my judge, jury and executioner. But here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter who the mod is. Being a mod is such a terrible, thankless job that I really don’t see why anyone would want to be one. Everything you do is open to scrutiny. If you don’t do something, that’s open to scrutiny too. You are asked to be judge, jury and executioner, but you are given a vague set of laws that are very open to interpretation to work off of. So you do your job the best you can with the best intent. And you are going to piss somebody off. It’s in the job description. “If you don’t piss anyone off this week, you’re not doing your job.”

I had the extreme good fortune in both of my Modding career endeavors to be the owner of the site. So at least I wasn’t sitting between the Owner and the Users, having to constantly look back and forth, trying to figure out what will please the Boss but still keep the masses in check. An absolutely horrible position and thankless job. So here’s some small thanks. Kudos to BA and anyone else that takes that job willingly. (Suckers!) I’m arguing against the policy, not the police here.


To summarize, it is my experience that it is better policy to allow edge-cases in rather than out. Edge cases can provide some unexpected variance and they do not cause a ‘slippery slope’. The Evil of Moderation is greater than the Evil of edge-cases. Do not try to fix a problem by moderation where no problem exists. If a reasonable argument can be made that post X is within the rules, then it is already within the rules inherently – or the rules are too fuzzy.

There is no silver-bullet to Moderation. (Ask Mr. Zuckerberg about that.) There is no easy answer to the Problem of Moderation. I can only offer my own opinion based on years of experience. The interpretation is up to the site owner ultimately on how best to moderate. This is simply asking for a reconsideration of that interpretation. Moderation is a necessary evil, but it IS AN EVIL.

Gregg and Mae at Bat

I deleted my prior post because I made it when butthurt and that’s always a bad idea. Instead I’ll repost properly. Months ago Kazerad was doing a stream and he was sort of randomly doodling something. He said it looked like somebody holding a bat. 

I suggested – well, Mae from Night in the Woods might be appropriate! And I think as he was drawing it, as a joke I mentioned that Gregg might be a good catcher. So he drew this:

(If you’ve not played NitW – shame on you. But Gregg has a scene where he puts cups on his ears. Kaz came up with the gloves on his ears. Nice!)

So I was looking for something to color and decided to do this one. One thing I decided right off though was that I wanted to “ink” it. That is, redraw all the major lines and work off of that rather than the sketch. Watched a video or two and then did this:

The point being that by doing so I don’t have to try to clean up the reference and ‘scratchy’ stuff. That took longer than you might expect, but it did give me a good base to start from. Flats of course….

I’m on a discord and I posted it at that point just to see what they thought. Pocky asked if I was going to do her bright yellow mouth. I’m like, “What?” “Yeah, her mouth is bright yellow.”  Now this I had to see:

Oh! The LINES are bright yellow. Because she’s so dark. I even lightened her up a bit anyway. But… Hmm… What would that look like? It would look like this!

Hey! That’s not that bad! And provides at least a slighly more ‘canon’ look to her So yeah, we’ll do that?  I did one background but realized after I’d done it that the angle was wrong. It made Gregg look like a little tiny guy rather than the perspective thing. So I redid it and came up with this (eventually!)

The yellow blocks are supposed to look like chairs. Yeah, well… So shadows, highlights and some gloss later, I got this finally:

The eyes though… I dunno. I felt like they really needed black pupils, so i added those in my final cut. Also I realized I couldn’t post it on Kaz’ Prequel fanart booru because there’s nothing Prequel about it. So in addition to the black pupils, I also added Katia and QW as spectators. I will be the first to admit it wasn’t hard to do. 

So that’s it right? Not so fast. The image was removed from the Booru as not related to Prequel enough. I wasn’t pissed at the moderator, but I was pissed. I complained long and loud to some friends. (and the Tumblr post.) I updated everywhere I had posted to leave out K&QW. If it’s not Prequel enough for the Booru, I reasoned, I’m not going to go giving free ‘advertising’ either. And I railed about how some that were accepted took less effort than mine! And I got this idea bout drawing a terrible Katia on blue-lined note paper in ink, taking a picture of it in bad lighting and posting it to the Booru, making sure I spent less time on it that I had inserting QW and Katia into mine.

But eventually I calmed down. I don’t get butthurt a lot, but I do occasionally. I came up with a better plan. I’m going to write an essay, tited “The Problem of Moderation”. I have some experience in the topic. The point is honestly to get Kaz to at least reconsider the policies there. But it’s his show, I’m just in the audience. But maybe if I present my case reasonably and calmly, he might at least consider it.

So that’s the whole story. And I want to emphasize again that I NEVER was mad at the Mod who deleted it. I was mad at the policy itself. And the essay will explain why. Being a mod is a thankless, no-win job No one should be angry at the moderator for doing that job.


Been a while since I posted anything so I thought I’d put this up since it’s the only arty-type stuff I’ve done for a while. I don’t think it’s completely NSFW, though you may disagree… But I digress. Let’s start at the beginning.

This one’s a bit weird, because I wasn’t on any of Kazerad’s streams where he made this. Without having been there, I can only make assumptions based on what I’ve read and seen. But apparently he got this idea to start a fan comic. I call is Island, but it seems to have various names.He sort of kick-started it and then turned it over to some fans to play with.

Here’s a link:


Protagonist is apparently a deaf otter girl:

A random bird, a robot spider, a non-robotic villainous spider (probably), and a philosifish academicshark:

Don’t worry, I’m getting to it…

So anyway, I missed all that. I’m on a discord where they’re sorta continuing it, but not personally active with it.  Someone, though, drew lewds of ottergirl and academicshark. I’m pretty sure it was Limebreaker: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/limebreaker/

So I thought I’d apply my talents to those. I’ve since looked at Limebreaker’s work and I feel like I’m not worthy to have done these, but maybe it’s okay. He could have done much better obviously – but I was blissfully ignorant at the time so…

Kazerad had drawn some backgrounds and I’m 99% sure one of them was supposed to be a “banana patch”. I used that as the background of ottergirl:

And yes, there was another version. Somebody asked me to addadicktoher. I did so technically. Tiny and in the color of bubblegum (same color as her mouth technically). Trust me, you don’t want to see that anyway.

Anyway, that’s it. My latest and kindalewds, though I didn’t figure it ranked up there for the NSFW blog.