Kazerad commissions and general ranting.

First, apologies for reblogging that Dmitri story from the same friggin’ account that I posted it from the first time. So… you got it twice. I really suck at this, I’m afraid.

Last night was a really fun (for me anyway!) Kaz stream though. I got a couple of commissions, based (very loosely!) on that Dmitri story.  The first one I asked for “Katia being hypnotized by a Freud-looking guy”.  If you’ve ever commissioned Kaz for anything, you know he’s going to subvert anything you ask for. You accept it or you just save your monies. In most cases though, honestly, they turn out better than your original idea anyway.  So here’s what he drew for me:


I LOVE IT! Not much to do with my fanfiction of course, but it’s awesome on it’s own. Of particular note, the 5 letter limit on character names gives us DMTRI. 🙂 The animation of course. And then there’s those scan lines like I’m looking at a bad 1995 CRT monitor.  But damn I’d pay for that game!

I’m a cheapass though and really didn’t pay him enough for this, so I commissioned another I thought would be fairly easy. “Quill-Weave angry at a loose kitchen countertop.” I was honestly surprised he took this – how could he subvert it?  But he did, right away. And for a change it actually works perfectly as the last image in the story:


His subversion obviously in the extent of the “loose” part. But… that’s probably about right. Dmitri might have been somewhat underestimating the damage.

So I did modify the original post to add these two images and reblogged it properly from my bdnsfw blog as I’d intended originally, but I’m not going to subject you guys to yet ANOTHER copy of it.

And finally, I heard that Tumblr disabled the raw image hack. This was a deal where you could modify the URL to show (and thus download) full size images of what was uploaded.  That really, really sucks for me. I did a ton of Skyrim-screenshot, image heavy stories, and took the time to link every image in them to the raw image URLs so you could click on them and see the full size image.

And now that’s all broken. All of them. I could link to the 1280 images, but it still sucks, and would take more effort at this point than I’m willing to commit. Unlike an awful lot of people, I still like Tumblr – but one if the main reasons I use it is the ease of uploading images (AND the ability to link to the original resolution images). That is now lost. I archive pretty much everything but it would take such time and effort that I guess that’s just something that will just have to stay broken.

Pisses me off, but then again, I don’t pay anything for Tumblr so I guess I’m at the mercy of their ever-changing policies. Or get my own hosted server. (which I already have and wish I’d have started using from the start).

Okay. Rant over.

Katia + QW Forever!


I don’t remember where I got this sketch from, but I’m sure I’ll find out after I post it. I’ve had it for a long time, but I thought it’d color it tonight. Nice and quick, no complexity – to befit it’s sketchy attitude.  Some people don’t like the Quill-Weave – she’s certainly stylized! But I like her. I think she’s cute this way. And Katia, of course.

Anyway, I’m putting the mods to the test on the Prequel Booru again. But without some controversy, what’s the point, right? And if it turns out to be too much – well, okay. So be it.

And if someone knows who drew it, drop me a line please. I did a look through the booru and e621 but didn’t see it.


My colors added:

I suppose it is NSFW but I think it’d be okay to reblog to my bdprequel blog anyway.

Naughty Lizards

Well, sometimes I create stuff and other times I commission stuff. Sorta. Usually I’m too cheap to commission stuff honestly, but I found myself with about $40 in my Paypal account when Kazerad ended a drought of streaming with two back-to-back this weekend.

He was surprisingly amenable to lewds too, so i took advantage!

The first night he started drawing Quill-Weave in front of a monitor. While still in sketchy-stages he asked the Stream in general if she should be naked. As I recall, my own response was – “Uh… yeah!”.

Kaz – “Because if she’s naked this is going to go in a completely different direction.”

Me – “Naked. Yes. Naked.”

A full hour later and we have Quill sitting nekked in front of a monitor.


I’d offered to send him $10 for it, so was ready to shell out da big bucks when I realized he wasn’t done yet. He was animating it!  Oh… well…. okay!!! Little did I know this would become….

(insert drumroll)



He never asked for it, but I sent $15 instead. Animation is painstakingly boring work. Naturally while working on this in the stream there was a discussion not only of “lizard tits” but “lizard nipples”. So Kaz is finishing up and asks me if I’d pay to have nipples added.

I’m like…. $5 for nips!

30 seconds later I get this…


Kaz tries to figure out how much $ he could make just drawing nipples for $5 in 30 seconds or so. 🙂 Okay, more like 5 minutes, but still. Was I played for that $5? Hell no. I’m just super hetero and Kaz spotted my weakness and exploited it! I’d pay $5 again happily! Why? Because I like those little 6-pixel lizard bumps inordinately much! That’s my problem, not Kaz’.

But this tale of lizard tiddies isn’t over yet.AMKitsune did one last edit to make the monitor flicker:


Yeah, it is better, even if it lost the nipples. I’m not totally worthless at photoshop and the like… I could revise to add em back in I suspect. But I’m good…  

Of course the question of what she’s watching came up. The answer is obvious for Quill-Weave. It’s human porn. Skin is so deviant and unnatural that she can only engage in this perverted fetish when no one is around late, late at night.

BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Not of this, but Kaz streamed again yesterday. Literally, like, starting in the daytime. Johnny Cheesedog may like Lizards even more than me. He had to leave from the stream yesterday so as a joke, when he left the stream Kaz immediately started drawing two lizards kissing.

Then Johnny came back and Kaz stopped. Now that’s just harsh. Funny, but harsh.

Well, Johnny is the guy who sent my that Brolaren Quill-Weave in an apron that I had such fun coloring, so when I finally joined back into the stream, I commissioned Kaz to finish it, which he did in fine style:


I’ll never eat fruit pies the same way again. 

Originally it was going to be Weedum-Ja and Quill-Weave. I protested a bit when it switched to QW+QW but really, in the end I can see the advantage.

I didn’t really contribute to the content, except maybe having a little fruit-filling spilt onto their chests, but the end result is classic Kaz, (if maybe a bit more explicit than normal!).

So I’ll call that a gift to Johnny Cheesedog, but really… it’s just funny sexy lizards for anyone to enjoy. My headcanon is that their tongue-dexterity is such that they can french kiss INSIDE the hollow space of a fruit-pie without breaking it. That’s pretty hot.

Gregg and Mae at Bat

I deleted my prior post because I made it when butthurt and that’s always a bad idea. Instead I’ll repost properly. Months ago Kazerad was doing a stream and he was sort of randomly doodling something. He said it looked like somebody holding a bat. 

I suggested – well, Mae from Night in the Woods might be appropriate! And I think as he was drawing it, as a joke I mentioned that Gregg might be a good catcher. So he drew this:

(If you’ve not played NitW – shame on you. But Gregg has a scene where he puts cups on his ears. Kaz came up with the gloves on his ears. Nice!)

So I was looking for something to color and decided to do this one. One thing I decided right off though was that I wanted to “ink” it. That is, redraw all the major lines and work off of that rather than the sketch. Watched a video or two and then did this:

The point being that by doing so I don’t have to try to clean up the reference and ‘scratchy’ stuff. That took longer than you might expect, but it did give me a good base to start from. Flats of course….

I’m on a discord and I posted it at that point just to see what they thought. Pocky asked if I was going to do her bright yellow mouth. I’m like, “What?” “Yeah, her mouth is bright yellow.”  Now this I had to see:

Oh! The LINES are bright yellow. Because she’s so dark. I even lightened her up a bit anyway. But… Hmm… What would that look like? It would look like this!

Hey! That’s not that bad! And provides at least a slighly more ‘canon’ look to her So yeah, we’ll do that?  I did one background but realized after I’d done it that the angle was wrong. It made Gregg look like a little tiny guy rather than the perspective thing. So I redid it and came up with this (eventually!)

The yellow blocks are supposed to look like chairs. Yeah, well… So shadows, highlights and some gloss later, I got this finally:

The eyes though… I dunno. I felt like they really needed black pupils, so i added those in my final cut. Also I realized I couldn’t post it on Kaz’ Prequel fanart booru because there’s nothing Prequel about it. So in addition to the black pupils, I also added Katia and QW as spectators. I will be the first to admit it wasn’t hard to do. 

So that’s it right? Not so fast. The image was removed from the Booru as not related to Prequel enough. I wasn’t pissed at the moderator, but I was pissed. I complained long and loud to some friends. (and the Tumblr post.) I updated everywhere I had posted to leave out K&QW. If it’s not Prequel enough for the Booru, I reasoned, I’m not going to go giving free ‘advertising’ either. And I railed about how some that were accepted took less effort than mine! And I got this idea bout drawing a terrible Katia on blue-lined note paper in ink, taking a picture of it in bad lighting and posting it to the Booru, making sure I spent less time on it that I had inserting QW and Katia into mine.

But eventually I calmed down. I don’t get butthurt a lot, but I do occasionally. I came up with a better plan. I’m going to write an essay, tited “The Problem of Moderation”. I have some experience in the topic. The point is honestly to get Kaz to at least reconsider the policies there. But it’s his show, I’m just in the audience. But maybe if I present my case reasonably and calmly, he might at least consider it.

So that’s the whole story. And I want to emphasize again that I NEVER was mad at the Mod who deleted it. I was mad at the policy itself. And the essay will explain why. Being a mod is a thankless, no-win job No one should be angry at the moderator for doing that job.

Poolside Quill Pie

Rick2Tails uploaded a sketch by Kandlin ( http://kandlin.tumblr.com/ ) of Quill-Weave in a bikini with pie. Specifically:

Now granted it’s just a sketch, but I wanted to color it anyway and I don’t think Kandlin would mind. I know Rick wouldn’t because I asked him first!.

So here it is.

It’s getting more rare that I can post things here in bdprequel blog that aren’t nsfw and are Prequel related, that I’m glad to have something new to post


I colored another Kaz doodle from back when he did em. But I turned it into a Fansnark. I think this came from Enheldor, but I could be wrong about that. Might as well put it here, esp. since I’ve not done any for a long time.

Writer’s Block?
Did you write your protagonist into a corner you can’t get her out of?
The proverbial cage?
Well have we got the solution for you!?
No. No we don’t. But we’ve got the next best thing.
Brownstone’s Okayest Mead!
In no time you really won’t give a shit! Pull out the most
rediculous Deus Ex Machina imaginable? You won’t care anymore!
Join the illustrious ranks of the greatest writers in history.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Earnest Hemingway, Jack London, Edgar Allen Poe, the list goes on!
All sloshed alky’s, and you can join them!*
Drink Brownstone’s Okayest Mead!
It’s not the best, but it’s cheap and it’s Really Okay!

*not for comedy writers. Sorry, you’re on your own.

Impure Thoughts

This is something Kazerad drew for Rick2Tails quite some time ago. I was looking for something to color since I’d not done any of those for awhile and thought this was awfully cute. Porcupine-Dodger peeking at a Rick2Tails sketchbook apparently (though I thought it was a Elder-scrolls version of the Kama Sutra. On second thought, there’s probably not a heck of a lot of difference.)

First task, darken up the lines and flat colors:

…throw in a background and shading…

Then I shiny-ed her up a lot to make her looks more sweaty, and of course the standard eye-highlights.  So final version came out like this: